Late-Life Bipolar Disorder

We conduct clinical research in older adults with bipolar disorder. This has involved large population-based databases such as the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and the UK Clinical Practice Research Database (CPRD) examining medical and cognitive outcomes in older bipolar patients. This has also recently involved clinical trials of treatments/prevention of medical effects of pharmacotherapies used in bipolar disorder.

Current Projects:

1) “Atorvastatin for the Treatment of Lithium-Induced Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus: A Randomized Controlled Trial” More

2)  “Lithium Users with Bipolar Disorder: Who Develops Kidney Disease and Why? Clues from Pharmacogenetics about Lithium’s Molecular Mechanisms” More

3) “Lithium levels and poor renal, neurological, and cancer outcomes in older lithium users: A series of population-based pharmacoepidemiology” More